Benefits Of Auto Insurance with No Driver license

Driver’s licenses and auto insurance seem to go together like Vin Diesel and fast cars. Yet despite conventional thinking, no one really needs a driver’s license to have auto insurance in some states or in certain situations or getting car insurance without license is not impossible. In California and other states, owner’s driving record -- and, therefore, his driver's license -- helps determine how much he has to pay for auto insurance.

Getting an auto insurance policy without having a driver’s license is a crapshoot. There’s no set standard for car insurance companies when dealing with unlicensed drivers -- they may not even be aware that their policyholders don't have licenses. And there is no way to track how much auto insurance premiums are for unlicensed drivers compared with licensed drivers.

There's no shortage of loopholes that enable to get car insurance without license. Here’s a look three of the most common:

  • Some states, such as Texas, allow unlicensed drivers to buy auto insurance simply to keep their vehicle registrations current. That can save owners the trouble of re-registering their cars once they do get driver's licenses.

  • Consumers can buy car insurance if they don’t have a driver’s license for health reasons, such as not a proper vision, but do have a car title in their name and are listed as the main driver on an insurance policy.
  • This is a common situation among senior citizens. For instance, New Hampshire and Illinois will yank a driver's license from a senior citizen based on a failed driver's test at age 75, but will let the driver maintain car insurance coverage.To get more information please visit

If anyone has his driver's license revoked, he may want to keep his car insurance active for financial reasons. Owners want to keep the car covered so that they don’t lose their continuity discount, or to keep their comprehensive and collision coverage in case the car is parked and gets stolen or crashed into by a drunk driver.

Oregon enacted a law in 2008 that tightens documentation and identity verification requirements for state residents seeking driver's licenses. So to get car insurance without drivers license has become difficult.


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