
Can You Get Car Insurance with No License?

There are myriad conditions in which people might end up seeking car insurance. What we mean to say is that not every insurance seeker’s background is the same. And, we are not speaking solely about financial background here. Let us tell you that “other” credentials might differ as well. For instance, there might as well be people seeking car insurance with no license as well! What more? You might as well be one of them as well!! You just might require seeking a car insurance policy when you have lost your license or for that matter your license is suspended. In that case you might as well inform your insurer about the same – that you are in the process of applying for your license and that you will get it soon. Who are the ones providing car insurance without licence ? Are you actually resorting to substantial research about the same? Why exactly would you prefer one over the other? Because of the rates? Or, the terms and conditions? Make sure that the auto insurance dea...

Can You Get Car Insurance Without Having A Driver's License

There are many reasons why the state might suspend someone’s driving license and, depending on the cause it's suspended, he might   still be able to get car insurance coverage for his vehicle. First, the cause for his suspended license is important. It could mean the difference between not getting and getting coverage, as well as what kind of coverage he can get. It is illegal to use a motor vehicle with a suspended driving license in most states. For this reason many providers will not offer anyone. Unlicensed car insurance However, if the reason for his suspended driver's license is not extreme, he might be able to work with a car insurance company. With a few exceptions the answer to this question as can anyone benefits of car insurance without a license is a big “NO”. If anyone does not have a driver’s license, then he cannot legally drive a motor vehicle, and therefore he has no need for car insurance coverage. It’s generally said that there are people tha...

Benefits Of Auto Insurance with No Driver license

Driver’s licenses and   auto insurance   seem to go together like Vin Diesel and fast cars. Yet despite conventional thinking, no one really   needs   a driver’s license to have auto insurance in some states or in certain situations or getting car insurance without license is not impossible . In California and other states, owner’s driving record -- and, therefore, his driver's license -- helps determine how much he has to pay for auto insurance. Getting an auto insurance policy without having a driver’s license is a crapshoot. There’s no set standard for car insurance companies when dealing with unlicensed drivers -- they may not even be aware that their policyholders don't have licenses. And there is no way to track how much auto insurance premiums are for unlicensed drivers compared with licensed drivers.   There's no shortage of loopholes that enable to get car insurance without license . Here’s a look three of the most common: Som...

How To Get Car Insurance Without Valid License

What does anyone do when his driver's license is suspended, but he needs insurance on a car titled to him? Getting car insurance without a license is not exactly easy. He can try calling around to different insurance agencies and he might get brushed off immediately if he do not ask the right questions. He must learn what it takes to insure a vehicle when he does not have a driver's license.   Car Insurance No License The primary driver of a vehicle should be someone very close to the car owner, a blood relative or spouse is a good start. Clearly he does not want to hand over the keys of his vehicle to just anyone. Assuming anyone would not insure a vehicle without intentions of somebody driving it. If the owner tells an insurance agent that he do not have a license and want to insure his car, he will more than likely be told it is not possible. It is standard process to verify a driver's license before an insurance policy is issued. So car insurance no lice...